Sunday, February 15, 2015

This blog is a continuTion of my last blog about Project Almanac, the movie.
So Scott is now David, and we left off with David and his friends finding to time machine. After they finished the time machine and decided to run some test trials, on plain objects of course. Starting off slow and eventually making it up to being able to travel back months at a time. (I don't know if I stated this in the last blog or not but.. David's father died on his birthday) when they finally decide to use time travel and travel back in time themselves they go back one day, to yesterday. To see if it worked they go to one of his friends house, which end up being a real scary thing. When you make eye contact with your own self then you start to glitch and slowly disappear from existence. So they have to stay away from themselves. The next time they travel they win the lottery, which they only went back a week for. The next time the set it back further, going back in time a whole month. They go to a concert David falls in love but this time when they come back from the time jump, things change. Accidents that never happened occurred, their own very lives are different and evolved, and they have to find a way to fix this all before it's too late. Things end up getting worse, when they first discovered the technology of the time machine they set some guidelines, no traveling back by yourself. They all agreed to travel with each other each time. David broke the rules to fix things he wanted, to have things go the way he planned and hoped. Eventually things get way out of hand and fast and David only has a matter of time to fix things. David plans to go back in time all the way back to the beginning to when the machine was built, he gets in an argument with his girlfriend who son goes missing, and the cops are searching for David but luckily he gets out in time and jumps back 10 years to his 7th birthday. He meets his dad and gets to see him one last time to seal his fate he destroys they machine and he has to let his dad go knowing that he is going to never see him again. Through the entire story David's sister carried around a video camera recording everything, and the cool part is that the video camera they used was restored and everything was caught on camera. David brought that camera back with him when he traveled back 10 years to see his dad and left it there. So now they get to discover everything all over again. The end

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