Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog #4

Neurosurgeons have been using for the last 10 years a new technology that is a cure to Parkinson's and a number of other diseases. It involves surgically implanting an electrode deep in the brain that delivers jolts of electricity to create a brain stimulation. Although scientists still don't know exactly why or how it effects the brain they have done the surgery on over 75,000 patients. This new technology allows scientist to look at the brain as an electrochemical organ (using electromagnetic energy to function). The procedure requires surgery and the patient must be awake in order for the surgeon to know which location to place the electrode and the level of stimulation to reduce or completely diminish the patients symptoms. Scientist are still researching the mechanisms of the stimulation in order to further improve the procedure. This technology is a success and will continue to be used to treat such cases. In my opinion this technology is great and I hope scientist can continue to discover more about the effects of implanted sensors on the brain. I do have to disagree with the use of animals to test the procedure on, I find it somewhat cruel. Animals should not be used as test projects they should be protected and loved. Its amazing how our brain works and maybe once scientist learn to fully control the stimulants and understand the procedure better we can learn how to maybe awaken the 90% of our brain that is not used, maybe we can unlock a whole lot more that just cures. I enjoyed reading this article and hopefully this technology can further develop soon. A new system abbreviated WINCS has been developed by the Mayo Clinic physicians and has been developed to detect chemical activity in the brain. The electrode is surgically implanted in the brain and scientist are able to record and provide real accurate measurements of chemical levels in the brain. The goal of this is to help direct surgeons on where to place the electrode in the brain during deep brain stimulation so they are able to improve the outcomes of the procedure for the patient. This development with more research can be improved and with the collaboration of scientist, physicians, and engineers more and better of this technology can be accomplished for patients. The Mayo Clinic research was obviously in 2008 and the MIT Technology was in 2010 so you can see how far scientist have come. With the Mayo Clinic test were only being done on animals no humans had received the procedure and in only 2 years technology came so far by treating over 75,000 people. It is now 2014 and I wonder how much researchers have discovered today while studying this new technology and how far it will go in treating patients today. Our brains a much too complex and by research and technology we can on day understand more and more of how our brains work and provide all the clues to the chemistry of our kind.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

This blog is a continuTion of my last blog about Project Almanac, the movie.
So Scott is now David, and we left off with David and his friends finding to time machine. After they finished the time machine and decided to run some test trials, on plain objects of course. Starting off slow and eventually making it up to being able to travel back months at a time. (I don't know if I stated this in the last blog or not but.. David's father died on his birthday) when they finally decide to use time travel and travel back in time themselves they go back one day, to yesterday. To see if it worked they go to one of his friends house, which end up being a real scary thing. When you make eye contact with your own self then you start to glitch and slowly disappear from existence. So they have to stay away from themselves. The next time they travel they win the lottery, which they only went back a week for. The next time the set it back further, going back in time a whole month. They go to a concert David falls in love but this time when they come back from the time jump, things change. Accidents that never happened occurred, their own very lives are different and evolved, and they have to find a way to fix this all before it's too late. Things end up getting worse, when they first discovered the technology of the time machine they set some guidelines, no traveling back by yourself. They all agreed to travel with each other each time. David broke the rules to fix things he wanted, to have things go the way he planned and hoped. Eventually things get way out of hand and fast and David only has a matter of time to fix things. David plans to go back in time all the way back to the beginning to when the machine was built, he gets in an argument with his girlfriend who son goes missing, and the cops are searching for David but luckily he gets out in time and jumps back 10 years to his 7th birthday. He meets his dad and gets to see him one last time to seal his fate he destroys they machine and he has to let his dad go knowing that he is going to never see him again. Through the entire story David's sister carried around a video camera recording everything, and the cool part is that the video camera they used was restored and everything was caught on camera. David brought that camera back with him when he traveled back 10 years to see his dad and left it there. So now they get to discover everything all over again. The end

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog #2

Project Almanac
Before you read this, warning this is a tell all of the movie Project Almanac, a movie that just recently came to theaters and I got to see it this past Thursday Febuary 5th. The movie starts off with a a boy named Scott (honestly I don't remember his name so it's gonn be Scott today, anyways) and he's really smart and the nerd of his class. Scott submits a video of his engineering talents to MIT but only gets 5,000 dollars in scholarship money which it not nearly enough money for him to attend. Scott is devastated because he has worked so hard, his mother knows how badly he wanted to go to the school so because they couldn't afford it she decides to sell their house. There is one last chance Scott has to earn a scholarship and it is to come up with a new and inventive experiment. The back story to Scott's life is his father died on his 7th birthday, Scott's father was a genius and loved him and his family dearly. Scott goes through some of his dad's old things and projects and finds a video camera that used to be his dad's and it shows a tape of his 7th birthday party. Scott and his sister watch the tape and discover something very unusual, he sees himself in the tape but not one two. The younger version of him at 7 and then him currently. There is really no explanation for why he is in the tape and he is completely in awe and confused from the events that have occurred. So Scott calls his two bets friends that are also nerds to help him find out why he is in the tape that is over 10 years old. Scott his sister and his friends go down to the basement where Scott's father used to work on experiments to see if they can find any answers to their unique situation. After searching and uncovering a hidden cabinet in his fathers lab they find a sort of box that is very high tech. They also find blue prints and a file that has equations and spells out on the title (a fancy word for) time travel. Scott and his friends are all crazed about what they just founded and in shock. They soon decide to build the unfinished machine that Scott's father never managed to finish...

That's all for this blog ...I actually remember his name now it's David!