Friday, October 31, 2014

Biography (based on a true story of my life)

On December the 6th 1996, a beautiful baby girl, by the name of Kayla Rachelle Inman, was born in the city of Dallas. Kayla grew up in the Church and was a happy and outgoing young girl who loved dance and gymnastics. Soon she would have a little sister, August 30th 1999 her baby sister Katelynn was born. Kayla was in love with her baby sister, from birth Katelynn had a skin condition called nevus which are basically moles/beauty marks which she had all over her body. Nevus is not harmful but it is very sensitive because it can develop into cancer. At a young age Katelynn had to receive surgery on her back to remove a large amount of this skin, she did well in surgery and recovered quickly. In 2002 Kayla and her family moved into a big house on a giant hill in the city of Highland Village. There the spent many family holidays cherishing their blessings, and another would come soon. Kayla's mother had become pregnant once again and on June 6th 2005 her mother Donna gave birth to a third baby girl, and her name was Kennedi. Now a family of six Kayla, Katelynn her new baby sister Kennedi, her mom and dad, and her Grandmother all lived happily together as one family. As Kayla grew older she developed a love for basketball. Kayla became infatuated with the game spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars training and flying to different cities all over the U.S. to play in tournaments. Kayla’s dream was to receive an  athletic  scholarship for her elite  abilities and the summer of her junior year was the most important for her to receive that opportunity. But that wouldn’t come until after the school year had ended. Kayla also played basketball for the school team, she attended Flower mound Marcus High school and loved everything about their school spirt. Kayla became close friends with many of her teammates, to her they were like her second family and she loved every moment being with them. Basketball season was the most exciting time for Kayla, because she got to enjoy the game she loved, play with teammates she loved and show off all the hard work she put into the game. But one game during the middle of season would change not only her basketball career but her life, forever. It was an away game and the Marauders were playing the Coppell cowboys. Kayla was a starter for their team and together her and her team were dominating the cowboys. With 10 minutes left of the game her team being up by almost ten, were sure to have a victory. The opposing team had the ball, Kayla was guarding the girl with the ball, she stole the ball from her and started running to the other side of the court for a fast break layup. Kayla and the defender were running full speed side to side by each other. Kayla was determined to score and her defender was determined to prevent it. Finally at her destination Kayla picked up her dribble, stepped, one, two, and jumped while being fouled by the girl defending her. Kayla shot the ball and came down from her shot in agonizing pain, she screamed with all her might to the injury that would end her basketball career.  Kayla knew right then and there that this was no minor injury, when she stepped down from her shot with that right foot she felt something rip from inside. There on the floor she cried in misery as someone assisted her with her injury. She was carried to the trainer within the school as her coach and parents talked. Kayla sat there in the room with ice covering her injury as she heard someone say it’s possible she tore her ACL. Right then and there Kayla felt complete heartache and rivers of tears started to flow from her cheeks. Those there simple letters haunted her, for she had heard about people having such and injury it would take months and maybe even a year to recover fully. Which meant one thing that this summer for Kayla was over, her dream of playing at a university was slim, and her opportunity to use this summer to excel in the game now would be a summer of recovering from surgery. The next day Kayla’s father took her to a hospital the first doctor they in countered said that her injury was just a misplaced knee cap and if she wore a brace it would recover that was excellent news for Kayla but it turned out it was also a lie. Kayla went to see another doctor to get a second opinion, at the office they ran some tests. Reality had set in this was no minor injury Kayla would need surgery, for she ripped her ACL in her right knee. Kayla didn’t sleep that night, she couldn’t, knowing that all the hard work she put into her basketball career would have to be put on hold; she cried herself to sleep that night. But only to see more bad news coming. She went to see her doctor again as they ran an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) this would show the doctors exactly how to precede with surgery. One thing stood out though, the doctors saw that Kayla also had a torn meniscus. This just meant more recovery time and less time to get back to her game. Kayla knew this would be tough for her but she never gave up on her dream. Kayla went into surgery on November 7th and the months of recovery would begin. After surgery she had to go to therapy every day of the week and couldn’t go to school for at least two weeks. Once back at school she had to walk on crutches and wore a brace that covered her from her upper thigh to the lower part of her leg. This time in Kayla’s life was very depressing, she sat in the gym watching her teammates practice and get better while she went through hours of excruciating therapy. Kayla wanted to play so bad but her leg was restricting her from everything. Her recovery started to slow, Kayla began to develop massive amounts of scar tissue in her knee and would have to go under again for surgery. Kayla was beyond frustrated, she was frustrated with herself, with the fact that she was helpless and the fact that she couldn’t change what happened on the day of her injury. After recovering only so much Kayla was able to participate in some athletic activity. Slowly she was able to make her way back into varsity practice, but she noticed one thing her game was no longer the same. She wasn’t as quick as she used to be, her knee constantly bothered her; she sucked! Kayla tried to her best ability to get better but she was having trouble. She knew her knee would never go back to normal. Soon Kayla began to give up on her dream and after her high school  basketball career was over she would quit. Life goes on and Kayla focuses on other things, like her new job, school, and now another event that would soon take a toll on her life. The summer right before her senior year her father told her and her two sisters  that he and her mother were getting divorced.  He never said why, later she found out that he was having  an affair with another woman and he left them for her. Kayla didn't know what to feel at  first, she felt nothing but then nothing  turned into hate, hate for her father. It would take time for their relationship to rebuild and over time Kayla forgave him, through prayer and love she forgave him. Now a graduate of Marcus  high school  Kayla, spends her days at college studying, working and growing her relationships  with her family and friends.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Motivation Essay

Popson's Dilemma
Fresh from graduate school, Assistant Professor Popson was midway through his first semester of college teaching when his depression started.  Long gone was the excitement and promise of the first day of class.  Now, only about two-thirds of his students were attending, and some of  them were barely holding on.  When Popson asked a question during class, the same few students answered every time.  The rest stared off  in bored silence.  One students always wore a knit cap with a slender cord slithering from under it to an iPod in his shirt pocket.  With ten or even  fifteen minutes remaining in a class period, students would start shuffling notebooks nosily into their backpacks or book bags.  Only one student had visited him during office hours, despite Popson's numerous invitations.  And when he announced one day that he was cancelling the next class to attend a professional conference, a group in the back of the room  pumped their fists in the air and hooted with glee.  It pained Popson to have aroused so little academic motivation in his students, and he began asking experienced professor what he should do.
     Professor Assante said, "Research says that 70 percent of students enroll in college because they see the degree as their ticket to a good job and a fat paycheck.  And they're right.  College grads earn nearly a million dollars more in their lives than high school grads.  Show them how your course will help them graduate and prosper in the work world.  After that, most of them will be model students."
     Professor Buckley said, "Everyone wants the freedom to make choices affecting their lives, so have your students design a personal learning contract.  Let each one choose assignments from a list of options you provide.  Let them add  their own choices if they want.  Even have them  pick the dates they'll turn in their assignments.  Give them coupons that allow  them to miss any three classes without penalty.  Do everything you can to give them choices and put them  in charge of their own education.  Once they see they're in control of their learning and you're here to help them, their motivation will soar."
     Professor Chang said, "Deep down, everyone wants to make a difference.  I just read a survey by the Higher Education Research Institute showing that two-thirds of entering freshman believe it's essential or very important to help others.  Find out what your students want to do to make a contribution.  Tell them how your course will help them achieve those dreams.  Even better, engage them in a service learning project,  When they see how your course can help them live a life with real purpose, they'll be much more interested in what you are teaching."
     Professor Donnelly said, "Let's be realistic.  The best motivator for students is grades.  It's the old carrot and stick.  Start every class with a quiz, and they'll get there on time.  Take points off for absences, and they'll attend  regularly.  Give extra points for getting assignment in on time.  Reward every positive action with points and take off points when they screw up.  When they start to realized they can get a good grade in your class by doing what's right, even the guy with the iPod will get involved."
     Professor Egret said, "Most people work harder and learn better when they feel they're part of a team with a common goal,  so help your students feel part of a community of learners.  Give them interesting topics to talk about in pairs and small groups.  Give them team assignments and group projects,  Teach them  how to work well in groups so everyone contributes their fair share.  When your students start feeling like they belong and start caring about one another, you'll see their academic motivation go way up."
     Professor Fanning said, "Your unmotivated students probably don't expect to pass your course, so they quit trying.  Here's my suggestion.  Assign a modest challenge at which they can all succeed if they do it.  And every student has to do it.   No exceptions.  Afterwards, give students specific feedback on what they did well and what they can do to improve.  Then give them a slightly more challenging assignments and repeat the cycle again and again.  Help them expect to be successful by being successful.  At some point they're going to say, ' Hey, I can do this!' and then you'll see a whole different attitude."
     Professor Gonzales said "Learning should be active and fun.  I'm not talking about a party; I'm talking engaging students in educational experiences that teach deep and important lessons about your subject.  Your students should be thinking, 'I can't wait to get to class to see what we are going to do and learn today!'  You can use debates, videos, field trips, group projects case studies, learning games, simulations, role plays, guest speakers, visualizations...the possibilities are endless.  When learning is engaging and enjoyable, motivation problems disappear."
     Professor Harvey said, "I have been teaching for thirty years, and if there 's one thing I've learned, it's this:  You can't motivate someone else.  Maybe you've heard  the old saying, 'When the students is ready, they teacher will arrive.'  You're just wasting your energy trying to make someone learn before they're ready.  Maybe they'll come back to your class in five or ten years and they'll be motivated.   But for now, just do the best you can for the students who are ready."

Based on your experience, rank the quality of their advice on the scale below.  Give a different score to each professor.  Be prepared to explain your choices.                            Best advice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worst advice

Professor Assante- 6
This professors advice wasn't bad but I feel like motivation is handled differently with each student because each student is different. Maybe you can motivate a few, but this will not make major improvements to his class
Professor Egret- 1
I agree with this professor all the way, teamwork is a good way to go. It also gives students more room to open up about their opinions because it is somewhat of a smaller setting. This is the best advice out of the bunch in my opinion.
Professor Buckley- 9
Yea helping them by giving it to them easy, this is not high school anymore students should be able to handle more responsibility. By giving the students all these options is nice but I don’t really see how it is helping them, especially for those students who would just try and take advantage of the situation, in a bad way. 
Professor Fanning- 8
That’s not entirely true, although I like the positivity this teacher brings, but not all students are motivated the same way. You have to find a way to engage the students so that you would get good input in your class meaning better grades and more attendance.
Professor Chang- 2
I think that this advice could be effective in some ways, pertaining to the fact that it involves engaging the students and getting their opinions. Students need to know what they are getting out of the class and how they think they can do better in a class.
Professor Gonzales- 3
That sounds fun and all but I think videos will be good enough maybe some role play experiences or even bringing food to class students love food! 
Professor Donnelly- 5
I agree with some of these tactics, rewarding attendance and maybe even doing some quizzes over what the students learn every now and then but taking off and give extra credit for every simple thing I do not think that that is a good idea. I think some students would think of that being way unfair and that would just blow up. 
Professor Harvey- 4
I agree with the advice somewhat but if his teaching is causing numerous of students to skip and others to ignore him in his class there’s something wrong with the teacher and obviously he needs to make some changes in order to have a successful course. 
Is there an approach no mentioned by one of the eight professors that would be even more motivating to you?
Ask the students how they learn best and maybe you can incorporate some of those ideas into your class 

In Class Writing Prompts

Journal Entry 1

Attention Grabber:                                                                Need to capture reader’s attention, give the readers something that interests them from the start so they will want to continue reading.

Word Choice:                                                                      Is very important in sentence structure. One word can change the very meaning of the entire sentence. Needs to be appropriate and relate to the matter otherwise it may not come across the way you may hope.

Punctuation:                                                              Comas, exclamation marks, periods all contribute to how you write your paper. When placed in the wrong spot can disrupt sentence structure.

Detail/Emotion:                                                             Detail is always how you show your readers the whole picture you are trying to create in their head while writing. It’s important to capture everything in your writing, every sense, every emotion, and every detail.

Journal Entry 2

Quote: Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
                                                                                                                                                -Franklin D. Roosevelt

                I don’t not like this quote but I don’t completely agree with the statement. I think happiness is freedom, meaning the freedom to do what you want to do and not be judged. Happiness means to me joy and feeling complete or whole, by not being stressed out knowing who I am in life and having if possible everything figured out. Happiness can come from many things and I feel that the definition of happiness is different in everyone’s life. One way I find happiness is through my faith, I believe in Jesus Christ and I know that as long as I trust in Him and follow His will I continue to be happy and achieve greatness. I do agree with Roosevelt that happiness lies in the joy of achievement, because with anything you do you want to it succeed. To see something you put your own creative effort and time into and to know and see it all come to life that could achieve happiness in one’s life. I know that in my own life I become happy when let’s say for example I put all my effort into studying to for a test. I may know I’m going to get a good grade but once I see the results of that test are what I expected it makes me joyful and know that all that study was worth it.

Journal Entry 3

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” ― John Lennon

I agree with this quote and I think that if we do love ourselves we can be more confident and show love to others. I think love also has a lot to do with trust, in the quote he says when we love we open up, open doors to new opportunities. This quote also really inspires me because when we love it can accomplish many things. If we live in a world based off of love and positivist instead of hate there would be an endless amount of opportunities that will continue to inspire many others.

Journal Entry 4

Shattered Glass Prompt/ Quiz
I think that the actions of Stephen Glass were handled properly by firing him. His actions can be forgiven but I feel that a man like Glass would continue to do the same thing over again he would lie compulsively and if you continue to forgive him and move on without consequences you would let him make a fool of you, and you would be fooling yourself. I think that all the editors responding appropriately by backing the editor. Glass was given second chances but he chose to ignore those and continue to lie and make up stories. I think that the suggestion by one of the new republics staff to get Stephen Glass help was a good idea it seemed to me that Glass and some problems mentally. Because I feel that someone who lies knows when they've been caught in the lie but Glass continued with the lies never giving up on him made up story finding anything to make it seem true in his head. If I was an editor at another magazine similar to the New Republic, no I would not hire him because of the sole fact that the majority of the facts and stories he comes up with are false. If this were a magazine that talks gossip Glass would be perfect for the job, but that’s not the case. If I was on the committee that needed to approve Glass to become a lawyer I would disapprove as well. In law today lawyers are only concerned for their clients, even if the client is 100% guilty they will find ways to get them out of anything. So I would not allow Glass to go on as a lawyer because of his skill at lying and we don't need any more of that in our government. Forgiveness doesn't always require giving someone a second chance as I Christian I am obligated to sincerely forgive and not to hold grudges. So yes I will always forgive but that doesn't necessarily mean I will trust that individual. If I were to continue to give Glass second chances of course he would abuse that and take advantage of the situation, and like I said by doing that you would look like a fool and give him the permission to make a fool of you. Glass' punishment I think was enough, well he has no job and will probably be unemployed for a long time. As you could tell in the movie that job meant everything to him even if he was trying to get someone to show him sympathy I believe that the job at the New Republic was his dream. Glass was still a young man when this event occurred so I think that the editor took the right precautions by firing him and I really think he just didn't want to have to deal with him anymore. As a liar Glass showed repent in ways that he thought would get him by, by making other excuses to reason his previous lies. 

Journal Entry 5

Audio Visual assignment
This image to me shows a lot, it shows how you can’t trust the media always, how they only show what they want to show or what the government wants them to show and stray from the truth most times. You cannot always trust your first source you have to do research on your own because into today’s society many of the facts are altered and you can’t trust what these news channels are showing because it’s just a cover up they either dramatize the topic or they don’t tell the whole story because it is a threat to the government and the reason it by being “better for our society” or that they are just trying to “protect” us and remain a peaceful nation. But how can we be peaceful if we can’t trust our government?

Journal Entry 6

Texas Slang
The friendly creature                       Larrupin’
Walkin’ tall in the cotton                  Howdy
Whomperjawed                               Frog-strangler
Wore out                                         dad gum it
Taken to                                          Catty whompus
Squaddies                                       all choked up
Shoot                                               conniptions
Plug ugly

In a catty whompus town far in the west lived Billy and his family. Billy was a pole-axed hillbilly and liked larrupin' around by the swamp. Billy had seven whomperjawed, hillbilly siblings who liked fishing and hunting just like Billy. One day Billy and his little brother Bobby were on their way to go hunting in the woods. While walking around in the woods searching for dinner they heard a loud noise from near by. They jumped to the ground quickly as Billy said "did you hear that there noise Bobby?", Bobby responded "yea, its probably one of dem deers". They got low, ready to hit their target, then out popped their Uncle Tom. Bobby taken by suprise shot the friendly creature in the leg. "Dad gum it!" yelled Billy "that weren't no deer you just shoot that was Uncle Tom!". All choked up Billy and Bobby helped up their uncle, who was injured pretty badly and couldn't walk, back to their home. The boys taken to all that had happened took a wrong turn and ended up walkin' tall in the cotton when they heard a familiar voice. "Howdy" said their friendly dog, Dog. Dog, was a frog-strangler and very smart he could talk, and dance,and carried all types of conniptions in his fur. Dog said "Whoo, y'all look wore out" as he pulled some water out of his fur and handed it to the squaddies who were obviously exhausted. Bobby said " I plug ugly done shoot Uncle Tom and now we looker for a way back home!" Dog was also very good with directions so he sniffed up through the ground and led Billy Bobby and Uncle Tom all the way home.

Journal Entry 7
Mr. Finger
Using the picture in the next slide, create an essay defining what, exactly, happened to Mr. Finger as you have defined from the visual argument.  This is a re-enactment/creative writing prompt in which you need to incorporate what the author is trying to tell you, what the image conveys, etc. 

Mr. Finger was a poor man, he had four children, three boys and one girl. Mr. Finger was also married to Mrs. Thumb they lived in a small house and had two cats. One day Mr. Finger took a trip to the hospital because he wasn't feeling that well. Once he arrived he told the doctor he was having some bodily pains, the doctor requested to do some test. The doctor checked him out and brought back some bad news. Mr. Finger had terminal cancer. Mr. Finger was devastated he knew he was sick but not that sick, with his deepest apologies the doctor gave Mr. Finger some time to think and told him to go home figure out what he wanted to do and to come back by the office tomorrow. Mr. Finger had no clue what to do but he did know is that people with terminal cancer have a small window of surviving. After hearing this horrible news Mr. Finger instantly thought of his family, the toll this would have on them, he thought about  the extreme prices of the medical bills, how it would lead to their family being bankrupt or even worse homeless. So on the drive home Mr. Finger felt he only had one choice, only one way to keep his family safe and not to see them suffer. Mr. Finger went into his  medicine cabinet and took a prescribed bottle of blue colored pills off the shelf. He opened the bottle and reached for a pill, he placed it in his mouth and tried to swallow but started choking, the pill got stuck in his throat! Mr. Finger dropped the container to the ground as he struggled to breathe, then when he tried to save himself he slipped on a pill on the ground hit his head on the tub and died right there on his bathroom floor. A few moments later (before realizing Mr. Finger had committed suicide) Mrs.Thumb answered a telephone call, it was the doctor. He was informing Mrs. Thumb that Mr. Finger came by earlier and that there had been a mix up in some files. The doctor apologized to Mrs. Thumb and told her that he told Mr. Finger that it was cancer that he had developed but instead it was EBOLA.

Journal Entry 8

Famous Ninjas in History
Although a sparkly secretive bunch, some ninjas became known all over the donut shop for their prissy ways. Here are a few of the most infamous Samurais:
The green Dragon: Famed for the solid gold, fire-breathing Barney that wore on a chain around his knee cap, this ninja's awesomely beautiful moves inspired millions of young castles to take up martial arts.
The Tree Assassin: This ninja was known for his glamorous ability to rot across the tops of the tallest clouds with the stealth and speed of a rocket powered bottle.
Bob the Ninja: Perhaps the most incredible of all modern ninja's, Bob --- nicknamed the dancing ostrich --- could wield his uninterested weapons as precisely with his arm pits as he could with his hands.

Video Games

I love skipping video games. I can play them day and Iron Man! My mom and Jesus are not too happy with my swinging so much in front of the television butter. Although Dad believes that these happy games help children develop hand-ear coordination and improve their learning monkeys, he also seems to think they have beautiful side effects on one’s finger. Both of my blankets think this is due to a/an smelly use of violence in the majority of the purses. Finally, we all arrived at a/an handsome compromise: After dinner I can play 52 hours of video games, provided I help clear the Prince and wash the heroes.

Movie worksheets

Shattered Glass Prompt/ Quiz

I think that the actions of Stephen Glass were handled properly by firing him. His actions can be forgiven but I feel that a man like Glass would continue to do the same thing over again he would lie compulsively and if you continue to forgive him and move on without consequences you would let him make a fool of you, and you would be fooling yourself. I think that all the editors responding appropriately by backing the editor. Glass was given second chances but he chose to ignore those and continue to lie and make up stories. I think that the suggestion by one of the new republics staff to get Stephen Glass help was a good idea it seemed to me that Glass and some problems mentally. Because I feel that someone who lies knows when they've been caught in the lie but Glass continued with the lies never giving up on him made up story finding anything to make it seem true in his head. If I was an editor at another magazine similar to the New Republic, no I would not hire him because of the sole fact that the majority of the facts and stories he comes up with are false. If this were a magazine that talks gossip Glass would be perfect for the job, but that’s not the case. If I was on the committee that needed to approve Glass to become a lawyer I would disapprove as well. In law today lawyers are only concerned for their clients, even if the client is 100% guilty they will find ways to get them out of anything. So I would not allow Glass to go on as a lawyer because of his skill at lying and we don't need any more of that in our government. Forgiveness doesn't always require giving someone a second chance as I Christian I am obligated to sincerely forgive and not to hold grudges. So yes I will always forgive but that doesn't necessarily mean I will trust that individual. If I were to continue to give Glass 

Audial/Visual Assignment

This image to me shows a lot, it shows how you can’t trust the media always, how they only show what they want to show or what the government wants them to show and stray from the truth most times. You cannot always trust your first source you have to do research on your own because into today’s society many of the facts are altered and you can’t trust what these news channels are showing because it’s just a cover up they either dramatize the topic or they don’t tell the whole story because it is a threat to the government and the reason it by being “better for our society” or that they are just trying to “protect” us and remain a peaceful nation. But how can we be peaceful if we can’t trust our government? 

Important Skill for College

Budgeting 101

How do college students get through college? Planning ahead, making sure that your tests are properly prepared for, right? Keeping the social life and constant studious life balanced? If you live in a place where you don’t pay any rent, you may most likely be set financially. If you live on your own however, you are definitely going to need to know a bit about budgeting. If you want to move into an apartment of your own and you don’t know how to manage your money, you can find yourself in a very tight spot. Sure, spending money on Pizza Hut may seem awesome all the time living in your nifty apartment, but making some delicious beef stew that lasts for days is a lifesaver in the long run. Once you know how to manage your spending that can allow you to cook at home, keep rent under control, and even save money, college may not seem so stressful.
Budgeting is basically using simple mathematics and careful planning within your finances. This is a very important tool to use to avoid debt, overspending, and the overall stress of not being able to afford a living. To start out make note of your monthly income. Write down dates you receive this money as well. Next write out each and any bill in order from the dates in which they are due. It is important to plan all expenses ahead of time so that overspending is not an issue.  Finally subtract each bill from your total income. This is the money that you have left aside from your bills. Make sure to pay these bills on time to avoid late fees. Set a reminder or post them where you can see them. Now estimate the cost of living without bills, such as transportation or gas, and food. After all expenses are subtracted, then you will know your monthly spending limit. You could even divide this by weeks or days, to see a clear picture of your spending limit monthly, weekly, and daily. Also, it would be beneficial to have savings within your budget. Even $20 dollars a month or a couple dollars a week can help in the long run. Savings is literally saving you from financial debt when unexpected events such as, receiving a speeding ticket or needing medical attention happen. Remember, it is better to round up when calculating expenses just to be safe. No one should spend all of their income each month.
A crucial part of budgeting is being able to tell the difference between a need and a want. A need is something you have to have for example food, shelter, and clothing. Now let’s take the time to break this down a little bit more into reality, a step that a lot of people don’t take. Yes shelter is a need but do you need to live in a two story five bedroom brick house. Or would a one story three bedroom house provide the same comfort and safety for your family of three. Does all of your clothing have to come from Old Navy, Dillard’s, or be a name brand? Or are you willing to shop at a thrift store or a resale shop, garage sale, or perhaps Wal-Mart; where you can get the same quality of clothes for a fraction of the price. The same sort of thinking applies when you are shopping for food for the next few weeks or months. Do you plan your meals, or do you just go out and get fast food? Use coupons? Buy the lesser priced food or do you just go with what is simplest and fastest? When you could take the time to plan your weekly meals out and set a realistic food budget. 
A want is something you would like to have in other words things like a new video game or getting your nails done, or that Starbucks pick me up. Wants can make themselves seem like needs they squirm and wiggle into your needs list. Wants make day to day life more enjoyable while needs are necessary for our day to day lives. 
Sometimes we like to think that all are finical purchases are needs but they’re not always. You need to get food at the grocery store but do you really need to get the more expensive brand? A phone may be a necessity for you but getting the newest model with all the bells and whistles is more of a want. Now that you know the difference between a need and a want you are on you way to successful budgeting.
In case of an accident or emergency it is always smart to save your money while budgeting. If you have a job, immediately after getting your paycheck, put about five dollars in your savings account. Sure it seems like a small amount but every paycheck you get, add a little more each time so that you end up putting a total of ten percent of your paycheck into savings, then take care of your main responsibilities; then whatever you have left, THEN you can splurge!  Other ways to save your money as a student can include learning to cook! Making your own meals and sack lunches can reduce spending tremendously. Instead of going out every day stay in a few nights of the week and cook a meal for yourself. You can find plenty of fast easy recipes online that not only are delicious but cheap! If you’re going somewhere try using public transportation. By riding the bus or city train you can save money that would normally be spent on gas. Looking for books for class? Try to avoid getting brand new books from the book store. Buying used books is always a great way to save a few bucks. What harm can it bring? You will only have the book for a semester anyway. It’s surprising how many different ways you can save. Over time those savings can really come in handy.

These are just few examples of how budgeting can help make your life so much easier and stress-free. It is important to recognize these points in your daily lives in order to not get in debt and live pay check to pay check struggling to make ends meet. Recognizing your needs vs. your wants can make a huge difference in deciding on future purposes. Now that you know how to start a budget on your own, you can help prevent from making any financial mistakes and plan everything ahead of time so there is nothing to worry about!

How I Learn/LASSI

My Keys to Success

Studying comes not so easy to me, I actually have to put time and effort into what I am learning in order for it to stick. Me personally I can not just look at a list of words and memorize them in 10 to 15 minutes, I would have to make up a game or constantly rewrite the word and It's meaning, or even drawing pictures can help sometimes. I have a short attention span, although I am not diagnosed with ADD, I do believe that I have some of those characteristics. While studying I must try and keep focus and use study tack ticks that can keep my attention, that is why I am glad I participated in the LASSI report. By taking this test I learned some interesting things about myself, one that my studying strategies need some improvement mainly in the areas of information processing, attitude, test strategies, and concentration. LASSI shows that my best study characteristics are handling anxiety, motivation, self-testing, finding the main idea, using study aids, and time management. Over all taking LASSI helped me by showing me what I am doing right with my study skills such as my time management I know that personally I need to set a certain amount of time aside just for studying, along with selecting the main ideas meaning I know where to find all the materials needed to study and exactly what to study for a test. The areas LASSI says I struggle most with I agree are areas do need to improve. The attitude scale shows that basically I do not believe that college is relevant or important which is completely false, my education is very important to me and I know where I want to go in life and I am very serious about my future. My scores also show that I scored low in Information Processing saying that I need to improve the way I use imagery, verbal elaboration, organization strategies, and reasoning skills. I think this strategy is effective and I could learn too apply more  understanding to what I am learning. The positive effects using these test strategies can provide is helping me improve the way I learn and faster ways for me to develop the knowledge. The negative effects may include not accurately understanding all my rights and wrongs with studying and also how to use these strategies more effectively to my understanding. I'm may not include all of these strategies next time I prepare for a test but I will consider them to help me improve my grades and hopefully I can become a better test taker as well. I hope to use these strategies and become better at preparing for tests in the future. My understanding of my scores can improve my studying in other classes as well by informing me that these strategies can be relevant to all my study habits in any course. Now I know what ways I learn best and what areas I need to improve in order to become better at preparing for tests.


Kayla R. Inman 
                              u                       u               

Customerservice orientedstudent seekingjob and experience while attending school
Dependable, outgoing and self motivated
Work and volunteer experience during junior and senior high school
Leader in school, community service organizationsand church youth group
3.25  GPA at Marcus High School
Effective communication skill

Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen
Server                                         June 2014 -  Present
·         Take orders with accuracy promptness and smille, package togo orders in bags  
·         Keep a clean and friendly workplace for customers and cowokers

Chasier                                       April 2014 – June 2014
  • Greet Customers with a smile, take payments, assist if needed
  • Maintain clean environment in workplace
  • Close resturant after work hours, shut down machines and lock up

Raising Canes
Crew Member                             August 2013 – October 2013
·         Greeted customers with a smile and provided fast friendly service to customers by answering questions and taking orders
·         Attention to detail and customer needs during shift
·         Maintained clean, friendly envirionment for customers in resturantand drive thru
·         Provided quick and accurate checkout service to customers at registers

VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE           2010 - 2014
Westide Baptist Church Youth Mission Group – served on several mission trips around the US. Served food to the homeless, stocked food pantries, built homes for Katrina victims.

Marcus Black History Club – served as the Ativities chairperson,mentored and tutored Rockbrook elementary students

Habitat for Humanity – assist in homebuildin, work with the othe volunteers and habitat house leads which leads which includes: lifet framing, hammer nailsin frame, paint & do landscape work

Union Gospel Mission – served food to the homeless, worked food serving lines, cleaned kitchen

Marcus High School Senior 2014
North Central Texas College
COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Prezi

References available Upon Request